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Journée conjointe GT3 / GT6 : Mécanismes Compliants - Conception à Commande

Le GT3 Manipulation multi-échelle et le GT6 Conception innovante et mécatronique se sont associés pour organiser une journée scientifique conjointe le vendredi 8 avril 2016. Le thème de la journée était celui des mécanismes compliants, de leur conception à leur commande.

Lieu :

ISIR/UPMC, Campus Jussieu, 4 place Jussieu, Paris, couloir tours 65-66, 3ème étage, salle 304.

Programme de la journée :

09h30 : Accueil des participants

10h00 : Ouverture de la journée

10h10 : Keynote / G. Hao (University College Cork, Irlande) : "New Stiffness and Structure Characteristics of Compliant Mechanisms: Distributed Compliance"

This talk will start from reviewing compliant mechanisms with particular emphases on design approaches, modelling approaches, and promising applications. The mobility analysis of compliant mechanisms are followed. Then two kinds of reconfigurability in compliant mechanism are discussed. The first kind is about the significant stiffness variability including the cases before and after buckling. The second kind is the structure reconfigurabiliy with non-significant stiffness variability.

Dr. Guangbo Hao earned his Bachelor Degree of Engineering (top 1% among 500 students), Master Degree of Engineering, and Doctor Degree of Engineering (first PhD) all from Northeastern University (NEU, 985 University) in China in July 2004, March 2007 and July 2008, respectively. In September 2011, he was awarded Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (second PhD) after a subsequent three-year fully-funded studying in Mechanical Engineering at Heriot-Watt University (HWU) (2016 TIMES University ME subject ranking 8th), UK. With his recognized publication record and research track record, he was selected to directly join the School of Engineering-Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College Cork (UCC), to take a permanent full-time Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering in November 2011 (tenured in 2014). His current research interests focus on theory of compliant mechanisms and robotics and their applications in precision engineering, energy harvesting and biomedical devices. His research works were indicated by 1 filed EU patent, 70 peer-reviewed publications (24 SCI indexed journals with 21 in senior authorships) and 11invited talks (over the last five years), and by successfully securing a 112K Euro research fund as an independent PI. Dr. Hao has been a member of American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) since 2009 and a committee member of Section Operation Executive Board of ASME UK & Ireland Section. He has been a selected member of the Irish Manufacturing Council (IMC) since 2014, and been the organizer/ committee member of some conferences such as programme committee member of IEEE/IFToMM Remar15 conference, and co-chair/chair of the ASME IDETC 2015/2016 compliant mechanisms symposium. He is serving as the associate editor of the international journal of Mechanical Sciences (ISI indexed) from June 2014 and was the leading guest editor for two special issues in the same journal. He was the recipient of a series of research awards/prizes including two postgraduate research prizes presented by Heriot-Watt University, the Young Engineers Research Paper Prize 2012 (3rd Prize) presented by IMechE and Engineers Ireland, the Royal Irish Academy Charlemont Award for 2015, the Best Interactive Poster Award at the MR-6 Compliant Mechanisms and Micro/Nano Mechanisms of the 2015 ASME IDETC/CIE, and the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE/IFToMM Remar2015 conference (co-authored).

11h10 : A. Bouton, (ISIR, Paris) : "Conception et commande d'une structure de locomotion compliante pour le franchissement d'obstacle"

Les structures de locomotion poly-articulées à roues sont capables de modifier la position des contacts au sol par rapport au châssis afin de tirer profit des mobilités supplémentaires pour s'adapter au terrain tout en roulant. Si une structure passive assurera le contact de toutes les roues avec le sol, elle ne donnera pas de moyen d'action sur la distribution des efforts de sustentation, ni sur la stabilité de l'ensemble. A contrario, les structures actionnées de manière irréversible se heurtent à la difficulté que représente la connaissance du terrain immédiat lorsqu'il s'agit de décider du placement de chaque roue les unes par rapport aux autres. C'est pourquoi on s'intéresse à une structure hybride compliante à mi-chemin entre les deux : celle-ci doit s'adapter d'elle-même à la géométrie du sol tout en préservant un certain contrôle sur la posture et les actions exercées. Il est alors possible d'exploiter les informations fournies par les déforma tions de la structure afin d'améliorer les performances lors du franchissement des obstacles les plus abrupts, en particulier lorsque le robot évolue à des vitesses suffisantes pour exploiter l'inertie de son châssis.

11h40 : Q. Boehler, (ICube, Strasbourg) : "Design of a compliant spherical joint with variable stiffness for MR-compatible robotics"

The design of MR-compatible devices is particularly challenging, with need of compact and lightweight solutions that are compatible with an MRI scanner. In the case of MR-guided percutaneous procedures, such devices aim at assisting the radiologist manipulating a needle within the patient body. This introduces a strong safety issue, as a rigid grasping of the needle by the device can lead to organ lacerations in case of large breathing motions. This constraint leads to the use of compliant and variable stiffness elements within the device to modulate these interaction forces and provide an intrinsic safety.
The purpose of this work is to develop and evaluate a variable stiffness spherical joint to control the angular stiffness of the needle grasping about its insertion point. The needle orientation is indeed to be controlled around this insertion point during the medical procedure.
The proposed solution exhibits large stiffness variation ranges, including zero stiffness configuration. This can be achieved thanks to the use of prestressed cable-driven mechanism in a singular configuration. An original design of this mechanism is here proposed, with the implementation of a compliant structure using multimaterial additive manufacturing providing a compact and lightweight solution. The stiffness is adjusted trough pneumatic actuation that ensures the MR-compatibility of the solution. Its evaluation is performed on a dedicated experimental setup with a validation of the expected behaviour, and in particular a very large achievable range of stiffnesses.

12h10 : Pause déjeuner

14h15 : F. Chapelle (Institut Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand) : "Conception et analyse d'un robot compliant à raideur variable au moyen d'un alliage à mémoire de forme"

La raideur est l'un des objectifs de performance les plus importants pris en compte lors de la conception de systèmes robotiques. Le contrôle de la raideur physique en cours de tâche est une problématique scientifique en plein essor dans le cadre de la conception innovante de robots à forte polyvalence. L’exposé reprendra les points principaux de la thèse d'Adel Mekaouche soutenue en mars 2016 à l'Institut Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand. L’association d’une structure robotique compliante et d'un composant en alliage à mémoire de forme (AMF) est réalisée dans le but d'obtenir des cartes de compliance actives (i.e. variables dans le temps) sur un même espace de travail. Les AMF sont en effet des matériaux actifs qui possèdent des caractéristiques comportementales pouvant être exploitées dans cette application. La structure considérée pour l’étude n'a pas de degré de liberté interne mais sa déformation permet de créer un « pseudo-espace » de travai l. Celui-ci diffère selon l'état non activé/activé de l'AMF. L'intersection des deux espaces obtenus représente alors les positions de l'effecteur où il est possible d'avoir des valeurs de compliance différentes. Les cartes réalisées montrent des caractéristiques intéressantes pour la perspective de la conception de robots polyvalents ayant une nouvelle forme de reconfigurabilité basée sur le changement de propriétés matérielles.

14h45 : N. Andreff (FEMTO-ST, Besançon) : "Precision Prediction Using Interval Exponential Mapping of a Parallel Kinematic Smart Composite Microstructure"

In this presentation, a method to predict the precision of parallel microstructures made of carbon fibers, polyimide layers and piezoelectric materials is proposed. To this aim, we propose to combine the exponential representation of transformation matrix with intervals to bound the uncertainties in each flexure joint of the microstructures. Based on interval techniques and algorithms, the derived model permits to guarantee a bound on the precision value of the end effector. The method has been demonstrated with a numerical example of parallel microrobot devoted to orient the laser spot towards vocal fold during phonomicrosurgery. This example considers the uncertainties that occur in the compliant joints caused by the fabrication technique.

15h15 : J.P. Gazeau (PPRIME, Poitiers) : "A new tendon driven dexterous robot hand designed for inside hand manipulation"

A fully actuated bio-inspired 4 d.o.f. finger driven by four actuators was developed by ROBIOSS team at PPRIME Institute. It has been developed with the aim to replicate fine manipulation with fingertips with a high degree of interaction with the environment. Based on the modular design of the finger, a robotic hand for inside hand fine manipulation and adaptive grasping was developed. The modular design offers the abilities to choose the number of fingers of the hand and to adjust finger placement based on the manipulation task requirement.

16h00 : Synthèse

16h30 : Clôture de la journée