Documents publiés

2ème Journée Méthodologie de Conception du GT6

Programme Journée GDR Robotique GT6 du 22 janvier 2010
Lieu: ENSAM Paris, salle P1

10h15-10h30: Accueil, ouverture de la journée

10h30-11h15: Jonathan Van Rhijn, CEA LIST
"Actionnement combiné actif/passive : sécurité et performances en cobotique"
La présentation porte sur un système d'actionnement combinant, en parallèle d'un actionnement actif classique, un système de butée permettant de rendre l'actionneur irréversible à la demande. En Cobotique, ce système permet d'obtenir des capacités de couple extrême an utilisant des actionneurs actif de faible puissance. Ce  qui garantit  une transparence optimum et une excellente sécurité d'utilisation.

11h15-12h00:  Dr. Alin Albu-Schaeffer, DLR/Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics  
“Soft Robotics - Robots Designed to Interact with Humans and Unknown Environments"
For interacting with unknown environments, the DLR light-weight robots have features which distinguish them substantially from current industrial manipulators.
Such features are a load/weight ratio of 1:1, link side torque measurements in the joints, active vibration damping, sensitive collision detection and reaction strategies as well as joint and Cartesian impedance control.
The talk gives an overview on the hardware development of our torque controlled robots (arms, hands, humanoids) as well as on their control and applications.

12h00-12h45: S. Caro, IRCCyN
“The rule-based conceptual design of the architecture of Schönflies-motion generators”
The conceptual design of robotic architectures, the subject of the talk, pertains to the topology of the underlying kinematic chain. Schönflies-Motion Generators (SMGs) are robots capable of a special class of motions—three independent translations and one rotation about an axis of fixed direction. In the scope of this presentation, synthesis rules will be proposed to obtain a complete minimum set of serial topologies capable of producing Schönflies motions. Only revolute (R), prismatic (P), helical (H) and Pi joints are considered, as any multi-degree-of-freedom lower kinematic pair can be produced as a combination of R, P, H and Pi joints. Next, the concept-evaluation framework will be used to organize the topologies obtained in an ascending order of complexity, hence completing the conceptual design phase of the subject motion generators.

13h00-14h15 : Déjeuner à l’Entracte des Gobelins, 75 av des Gobelins

14h30-15h15 : Antoine EON, LMS Poitiers
“Méthode de conception et de dimensionnement de moteurs pour humanoïdes”

15h15-16h00: M. Gouttefarde, LIRMM
"Une analyse de l'ensemble des torseurs faisables des robots parallèles"

16h00-16h30: Conclusion et discussion